County Board of Commissioners Resolutions 2020
20-01 Great Lake Shoreline Disaster Area and Seeking Assistance
20-02 100th Anniversary of the League of Women Voters
20-03 Recognition Trooper Daniel Bergsma
20-04 Special Recognition Deputy Douglas Graham
20-05 Resolution to Declare Support for Second Amendment Rights
20-06 Emergency Management and Safe Schools
20-08 Surcharge for Emergency Telephone Services (911 Services)
20-09 Special Tribute Thank you Employees of Chippewa County
20-11 Special Recognition F/LT. Joseph E. Shier
20-12 Apportionment of 2020 Millages
20-16 To Ratify and Confirm Actions Approved by the BOC During Remote Meetings
20-17 Authorizing Chair Signature for 2020 Remonumentation Grant
20-18 To Authorize the Continuation of the Declaration of the State of Emergency Chippewa Co
20-19 Opting Out of PA152 of 2011
20-20 Special Tribute William "Bill" Karr
20-21 Appreciation and Special Recognition Don McLean
20-22 FY2021 Budget Resolution General Approriation Act
20-23 Authorizing 2021 Remonumentation Grant
20-24 Authorizing MEDC - CDBG Cares Funding $147000 Grant
20-25 Resolution Raber Township National Flood Insurance Program