Contact Information
Friend of the Court
325 Court Street
Suite 104
Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783
(906) 635-6347
Friend of the Court
Friend of the Court
Welcome to the Chippewa County Friend of the Court Web Page. We hope you find the information on this site helpful. We recognize that every case is unique, and the general information provided on this site may not answer all of your questions. When you have questions regarding your case, the Friend of the Court staff will be happy to assist. Please note, however, that our staff is strictly prohibited from giving legal advice, and for that reason you may wish to consult an attorney to assist you in your decision making.

The Friend of the Court is the collection, enforcement, and investigative arm of the Circuit Court for domestic relations cases. To obtain a domestic relations order, the issue must be brought before the Court through formal legal action. This is accomplished through private attorneys, by action of one of the parties, or sometimes through the prosecuting attorney. The Friend of the Court does not become involved until an action has been filed with the Court.