The Chippewa County Surveyors' office is located at 325 Court Street, Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783, room 11. The Surveyor's office will be accessible to the public by appointment or on Wednesdays of each week from 8:30 am until 4:00 pm unless the County is closed in recognition of a holiday, for emergency purposes and/or the availability of their designee.
To view County Survey Records by appointment, please call Patti Weinreis at 906-253-1113 or email: pweinreis@chippewacountymi.gov
Click here to view a copy of Resolution #23-01.
The County Surveyor is elected on a partisan basis every four years, and must be a qualified Licensed Professional Surveyor. The Primary duty of the County Surveyor is the implementation and oversight of all aspects of the County Remonumentation Program as described in Public Act 345 of 1990 within Chippewa County. This Act, known as the State Survey and Remonumentation act, mandates that each county in Michigan develop and submit plans for the orderly remonumentation of all of the land corners that were set in the original surveys performed by the Government Land Office in the early to Mid 1800's. These corners, commonly referred to as section corners, 1/4 section corners, and meander corners are the basis for every legal description of every parcel of land in the county and ensuring that the positions of these corners are perpetuated serves to reduce boundary disputes and individual boundary survey costs to landowners. Several contracts are let on an annual basis to area surveyors to perpetuate and remonument corners and then the final corner positions are required to be agreed upon by a Peer Review group before final acceptance into the program as the corner position. The County Surveyor acts as the administrator of these contracts and the chair of the Peer Review. The County Surveyor ensures completion of the contracts, performs quality control inspections of the contract surveyors work, reviews and updates the County's plan and submits the necessary reports to the state Survey and Remonumentation office on an annual basis.
The County Surveyor may also, in a limited fashion, advise the County Commission on any matter that may require the knowledge and skills particular to a Land Surveyor. The County Surveyor does not provide Land Surveying field services of any kind.