91st District Court - American with Disabilities Act
Title II of the ADA prohibits discrimination against qualified individuals with disabilities in all programs, activities, and services of public entities, including courts. The ADA applies to all state and local governments, their departments and agencies, and any other instrumentalities or special-purpose districts of state or local government.
Who may request an accommodation?
Any qualified person with a disability who has business in a state court, including attorneys, litigants, defendants, probationers, witnesses, potential jurors, prospective employees, and public observers of court services and programs may request reasonable accommodation by contacting the local ADA Coordinator.
When must the request for accommodation be made?
To avoid causing undue disruption of court proceedings or processes, requests for accommodation must be given with reasonable notice. If the request relates to a jury summons, the individual should contact the Jury Clerk for the court in question as soon in advance as possible. If the request concerns a particular court proceeding, the request should be made as soon in advance as practicable to allow time to consider the request and arrange for reasonable accommodation.
Is the court required to provide the requested accommodation?
The court, with assistance from the local ADA coordinator, decides what reasonable accommodation can be made. Primary consideration is given to the request of the individual with the disability; however, an alternative accommodation may be offered if equally effective. The court is not required to make modifications that would fundamentally alter the service or program or cause an undue administrative or financial burden.
How do you request assistance?
Print out a form at home and mail or bring in to the Court as soon as you decide you need assistance under the ADA. Forms are available at the clerk’s office.
For additional information you may contact the Court ADA Clerk at the following:
Kim M. Forsythe, ADA Clerk