County Board of Commissioners Resolutions 2014
14-02 Seeking Payment of Chippewa County Retirement
14-03 Supporting FY 2015 100% Revenue Sharing
14-08 Support Policy 314 OPEB Funding
14-09 Replace 96-4 use of County Credit Cards
14-10 Supporting Hazard Mitigation Plan
14-12 Imposing 2014 Property Taxes
14-14 Support Community Corrections Contract for FY2014 through FY2016
14-15 Resolution to Sell 300 Court Street
14-16 Resolution Supporting Commercial Rehabilitation District Garfield Commons
14-19 Opposition of Rate Increases Caused by Proposed Subsidies to Operate Presque Isle Power Plant
14-20 Support EUPRPDC with EUP Prosperity Region
14-21 Apportionment of 2014 Millages
14-22 State Disaster Contingency Fund Grant App
14-23 2015 Borrowing Resolution
14-24 Apportionment of 2014 Millage
14-25 Chippewa County Place-Based Targeting Strategy (MSC-0731-HOA)
14-26 Gail Pickell (Health Department)
14-30 FY2015 Budget Resolution
14-31 Sugar Island Twp Resolution FEMA