County Board of Commissioners Resolutions 2015
15-02 To Support CCRC Application for FLAP (Lakeshore-Curly Lewis Highway)
15-03 Support Electrical Power Upgrade
15-04 Special Recognition Brian Peppler
15-05 Floodplain Management Pickford Township
15-06 Resolution Honoring CIU as Michigan Airport of the Year
15-08 Support of Appeal of Tax Tribunal Ruling
15-09 Objecting to Continued Consolidation & Regionalization
15-10 Special Tribute Robert Wilson
15-11 Special Tribute Bill Thorne
15-12 Older Americans Proclamation 2015
15-14 2015 Tax Levy Resolution
15-15 Supporting DHHS Alger County Office
15-16 Chippewa County Investment Policy
15-18 UPAAA FY2016 Annual Implementation
15-19 FOIA Procedures Guidelines
15-21 Village of DeTour - NFIP
15-22 Resolution Opting Out of the Requirements of PA 152
15-23 Support Community Corrections Advisory
15-25 CCACS and SOM Making Pawsitive Changes
15-26 Michigan Public Safety Communications System Integration Agreement w-Chippewa County EMS
15-27 Supporting SB 282 and HBH 4575 Michigan Electric Infrastructure Act
15-28 FY2016 Budget Resolution and General Appropriations Act
15-29 Final Apportionment of 2015 Millages
15-30 2016 Borrowing Resolution (2015 Delinquent Taxes)
15-31 Supporting SB 524 and HB 4909 Big Box Stores Assessment Process
15-33 EUP Regional Prosperity Collaborative
15-34 Opposing HB 4135 (H-4), Presumptive Parole
15-35 Support of Michigan Unfunded Mandate Bills SB388-390