Chippewa County Correctional Facility
The Chippewa County Correctional Facility is staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days per week. Staff personnel include the Jail Administrator, Assistant Jail Administrator, two Corporals, 13 full-time Correction's Officers, 12 part-time Corrections Officers, 2 Community Service Supervisors, 3 Cooks and a facility Physician.
Offenders lodged at the correctional facility are processed in through the Booking Office. Questions concerning bail and court appearance for arraignment can be answered by the booking officer. Bonds posted must be in cash or through bail bondsman. Checks and foreign currency will not be accepted.
Visitation Schedule
Saturday -
Sunday -
Wednesday -
Add Funds to Inmate/Detainee Account
To add funds to an Inmate/Detinee account, please go to and follow the prompts.
Visitation Requirements
All visitors are required to sign in. Visitors must be at least 17 years of age and present a valid form of identification.
All visits are non-contact. Inmate/detainees are allowed three (3) visitors weekly. Visits will not exceed twenty (20) minutes duration and be limited to (1) one visitor per visit unless otherwise approved by security staff.
Visitors will be denied access to visitation if the visitor has the aroma of alcohol, displays behavior that may suggest the visitor is under the influence of a controlled substance, uses abusive language, is assaultive, and/or exhibits any type of behavior that could adversely affect the safety and security of the facility.
Cameras, cell phones, video and audio recorders are restricted items. All cell phones will be secured by the visitor and out of site.
Personal property will not be accepted with the exception of American currency, money orders, and/or necessary medical items (e.g. glasses, prescribed medications, etc.).
Food and/or drink items are not permitted.
Revealing and/or provocative clothing is not permitted.
Any visitor observed violating any of the above requirements will have their visit immediately terminated. Visitors may also have future visitation requests terminated if CCCF administration deems necessary.
If necessary, the Chippewa County Correctional Facility may cancel a weekly visitation schedule and/or terminate any individual visit to maintain facility security.
Personal Items
The only personal items an inmate may have while in custody are cash (which will be deposited into his/her account), prescription eye glasses, and medical prescriptions (which will be given to the facility physician for approval to be dispensed). Additional personal hygiene items may also be purchased through the commissary.
Inmates are issued facility clothing during their stay at the correctional facility. Some additional clothing items are also available to the inmate through the commissary. Suitable street attire may be provided for the jury trial.
Inmates are provided 3 meals per day. Inmates may also purchase snack items through the commissary.
Telephone Calls
The correctional facility does not accept personal calls for inmates. Inmates may make personal calls from their cell phones. Calls must be made collect, or with a telephone card sold by the facility.
Drug and Alcohol Counseling
Bible Study
Native American Culture Studies
Inmate Worker Program
Work-Pass Program
Electronic Tether Program
Community Service Program (Organizations wishing to request community service workers should contact the Community Service Supervisor at 906-635-6883.)
Facility Policies
5.1 - Sexual Abuse & Prevention & Intervention (SAPPI) - Policy Statement
5.1.1 - SAPPI - Upgrades to Facility & Technologies
5.1.2 - SAPPI - Medical & Mental Health Care - Victims
5.1.4 - Access to Emergency Medical & Mental Health Services - SAAPI
5.1.5 - Ongoing Medical & Mental Health Care - SAAPI
5.1.6 - Protection Against Retaliation - SAAPI
5.1.7 - Sexual Abuse Incident Reviews - SAAPI
5.1.8 - Accommodating Detainees with Disabilities-Limited English Proficient - SAAPI
5.1.9 - Coordinated Response - SAAPI
5.1.10 - Criminal & Administrative Investigations - SAAPI
7.4.3 - Inmate- Detainee Medical Records - Access - Fees
0900-1000 M Section Observation
1000-1100 A block, J section Males
1100-1200 B1
1200-1300 B2
1300-1400 B3
1400-1500 B4
1500-1600 B5
1600-1700 B6-B7 J Sec Females
0900-1200 l1
1300-1600 l2
1600-1700 D Block All
0900-1100 C1
1100-1300 C4
1300-1500 C2
1500-1700 C3